Hey folks, today's post is in support for Simon. Last weekend he checked himself into the Navy's version of rehab, in an effort to get himself sorted out good and proper. I've known Simon for some 4 or 5 years now, and although he's not my oldest friend, he's one of my closest. He recognized that he has a problem and is taking steps to overcome it and become a better person, and
that's something we can all strive to achieve. They say that you can like a man for his qualities, but love a man for his flaws, and this is true where Simon is concerned. I've lost count of the times when I've just rolled my eyes and groaned at Simon's escapades but despite his tomfoolery and hooliganism, his bad judgement and even badder temper, I know that inside he is a noble and brave person and has an amazing capacity for love. 90% of his troubles have their roots in either the bottle or some other excess, but now
that's going to become a thing of the past. So, if and when you read this, Simon, I wish you all the best, and to anyone else out there; in support for what Simon's doing, I want you all to give up something that you know you do to excess while Simon is in the tank (1 month). Our own private, non-denominational Lent.
So, a toast....to noble causes!
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